Since the starting of Close Beta back in early 2016, Albion is now putting more focus on combat. The developer team stated that the rest of the game systems are in place and they are starting to polish up the other systems which they haven't been quite happy with yet. And combat is one of those. So the idea of the new items they've introduced, the new armors and the re-work of the weapons, is to improve the combat system and allow you to more specifically build combat roles.




Weapon and Armor Become More Important


Previously, characters were roughly able to perform the same things. They had, roughly, the same survivability and there was not a lot of difference between weapons. Main goal of the new combat system was to distinguish these weapons more, and through introducing light and medium armor, allow you a modifier, or even crafting, on top of these weapons, which even more diversified the range of roles you can cover in combat.

Light armor makes you very vulnerable but it boosts your abilities. It boosts your healing as well as damage output. This makes the light armor to be suitable for a very aggressive play style.


With this update, daggers become a perfect combination with light armor especially to an assassin playstyle: A character who cannot take a lot of hits, but when he gets close and the enemy team ignores him just a little bit too long, he can be super-deadly.

And then on the other end of the spectrum, there is now heavy armor that protects you very, very well. You are really hard to kill in heavy armor and that allows you to really charge into the enemy group and fulfill, for instance, a disruptive role. With it, you can interrupt spell casters, harass healers, or really in the middle of the enemy lines.


Heavy Armor allows you to play that really tough, heroic character who can run into the enemy team and take a bunch of hits and disrupt their activities. Like all other items, you can combine the heavy and light armors freely with other items in Albion. So, the classless system means you choose what Albion class you want to build.


You choose, through choosing a weapon and a set of armor, how your character is going to be able to perform on the battlefield, what abilities he will be able to hold. And there are endless combinations to find which are really powerful and that fulfill a unique role on the battlefield of Albion.


Weapon Abilities Added


Developer team also worked all the abilities in the game. One of the objectives was to give each weapon and each item in the game, a unique characteristic. So, when you pick an axe, you know that you're going to be dealing a lot of damage which is really important while you are in the hellgates. That's what an axe is for. A hammer, on the other hand, is more of a disruptive weapon, for like stopping spell casters, stop people from using their abilities, stunning them, knocking them back, that kind of thing.


When you pick a specific item, you know exactly what role that item will fulfill. And likewise, when you see an enemy with a certain type of weapon, you'll know exactly what that enemy is capable of and what role that enemy probably plays inside the team.


In the tests so far, we feel that the new classless system, the new amount of armors, the re-work of the spells, the improvement of effects, everything that we've done has massively improved the combat experience. Every player now feels that they have to fulfill a role. And only through fulfilling your role perfectly can your team win. It's a much deeper battle experience than before.